You are here: Sales > Creating Sales Orders > Specifics of a Sales Order > Manual Back Order Mode

Manual Back Order Mode 

A field is included in normal sales orders to control the method of back ordering – automatic or manual:


System settings determine the default mode when creating a new normal sales order.  Selecting from the list box attached to the field can change this method.

Selecting Manual mode allows editing of the field B.Ord and subsequently adjusts This Del.  The total of these two fields plus the Demand field (represents lost sales) must equal the ordered quantity.  This facility allows stock to be held back to maintain stock levels or to be sold on other sales orders. Manual back order mode can also be used to control the allocating of specific serial numbers, batch numbers or expiry dated stock to sales orders

Once the sales order has been processed, delivery can be made by creating a new snapshot or using the Manual Back Order Release form.  (Refer: Fulfilling Back Orders)


1. BackOrder Mode - change to Manual
2. Select or type in relevant part numbers and ordered quantities
3. Normal Stock items - to place stock on back order either type in the quantity to be:
  • back ordered in the field B.Ord; or
  • delivered in the field This Del
  The other field is automatically updated.  The sum of the two fields cannot exceed the total ordered
4. Serialised Stock - where the part number requires serial numbers, select the total number ordered from the serial number dialogue box.  Adjust the quantities as described in the previous step.   When the serial number dialogue box displays again, remove the serial number(s) not required from the list

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